Congratulations to the 2021 Hall of Fame Inductees

2021 Hall of Fame inductees
(Left to right) Vicki Tarro, Terri Roberts, Dr. Venita Morell, Hon. Ginger Bowden Madden, Dr. Diane Kelley, Kathy Hutchins, Charolette Eschmann, Carole Byrd

Past Inductees celebrate with 2021 Inductees
Back row (left to right): Jeanne Rief, Pam Woodall, Lisa Jo Spencer, Caroline Maney, Tammy McDaniels, Judith Wiseman, Ursel Behken, Almut Fientge, Marnie Tate, Aimee Shaffer, Linda Evanchyk, Vickie Warner, Bobbie Ponder, Mitzi Henley. Front row (left to right): Vicki Tarro, Terri Roberts, Dr. Venita Morell, Hon. Ginger Bowden Madden, Dr. Diane Kelley, Kathy Houchins, Charolette Eschmann, Carole Byrd.
OCCSW Commissioners Congratulate 2021 Women’s Hall of Fame Inductees

Okaloosa County Commissioner Paul Mixon Welcomes Inductees to Okaloosa County Women’s Hall of Fame.